
Zoom Devotionals for Incarcerated Youth

We are pleased to continue offering specialized & creative outreach ministries to impact the lives of people in the present climate. We understand that we must be intentional when doing ministry.

Because God has strengthened our relationship with the detention centers over the years, we have been provided the opportunity to continue doing weekly devotionals with the boys via Zoom. Our desire is to help incarcerated youth begin a daily walk with God.

Recently, we have started doing weekly Zoom devotionals with incarcerated youth in two Mississippi detention centers. The sessions have included reminders that God is all powerful, and He can help us overcome despair (Matthew 19:26).This has been a great opportunity to remind the youth that God knows about their situation (the good and the bad) yet He still loves them.

The goal of these virtual devotionals is to share the Gospel with the incarcerated youth in hopes of also encouraging the staff. Pray with us as we continue our mission of offering specialized and creative ministries to impact the lives of people.

God's Word

Standing on God’s Word

The words of Isaiah 40:6-8 remind us that mankind is short-lived, and the Word of God is the only thing that will stand. This simple, profound truth assures us that the solutions to our problems are only found in God’s Word. Christians should embrace this truth. The Bible makes it clear that Christ is the way and the truth. David says,   

Teach me thy way, O LORD; that I will walk in thy truth (Psalm 86:11).  

Christians must embrace the fact that God saves us according to the purpose of His will (Ephesians 1:5).  Jesus instructs His followers to go and make disciples of others (Matthew 28:16-20). This is the foundation for evangelism and multi-cultural missions work. 

God has equipped every Christian with everything they need for the respective journeys He has for them. Fulfilling God’s purpose requires us to seek to teach others in the ways of God. In the present climate, we are commanded to love God first then our neighbors (Matthew 22:36-3). The Word of God is the only assurance we have for solving our problems. How are you fulfilling God’s purpose in your life?