Stay at Home Summer Enrichment Program was a Success

Stay at Home Summer Enrichment Program was a Success

The Lord guided IHS staff to develop the Stay at Home Summer Enrichment program. The program served 15 students from 2nd grade to 10th grade during the past seven weeks.

Students received packets each week that focused on Bible study, Reading and Math skills as well as a memory verse pertaining to salvation each week. Students were given the opportunity to recite the memory verse the following week to receive a prize, and the packets were picked up by Mrs. Bacon and Ms. Jasmine each week to monitor progress.

At the end the program, each student received a certificate, a Bible, and the plan of salvation. Students were excited to receive their Bibles. Each family also received a box of groceries. A big thanks to Crossway Community Church (California) for sponsoring the entire Stay at Home Summer Enrichment program.

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